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Just before I left for Hawaii, I experienced one of the worst days of my life. It was a Wednesday, the 11th of July. I woke up pretty early, as usual, stayed under the duvet for a little while, reached for my laptop which was sitting next to me and started uploading a video on my youtube channel. About an hour later I looked at my laptop screen, the video was still uploading, it was at about 60% at this point. I got out of bed as I was almost getting late for the gym. I rushed to the bathroom brushed my teeth and left the house. I locked my door, jumped into my car and went to the gym.

About an hour later I came back home, open my door and I noticed my apartment was a mess, I quickly reached out for a shirt which I hung on one of my dining chairs, wore it and rushed to the apartment complex leasing office. I explained the situation of things and ask for someone to follow me back to my apartment.

We got back to my apartment and it was then I realized what had just happened. My apartment had just been broken into and everything that I owned was taken. I rushed to my room and searched for my laptop but it was stolen. My iPad, my camera, my designer bags, shoes and all my jewelry, which includes my Gold and diamond all were gone. I broke into tears shared some pics and videos on my social media platform. I cried some more, picked my self back up and started to plan for my Hawaii trip.

I got to Hawaii on the 14th of July, exactly 3 days after the incident. This trip adds to one of The many times my job as taken me to the best places in the world. Landing in Hawaii with the beautiful view and scenery, I knew it was going to be a great trip

The first place I visited was Diamond Head hiking trail. There’s always a first time for everything they say lol. It was my first time hiking and I did pretty well if I do say so myself. It took me about 75mins in total to hike the trail. All in all, we had very nice views of the city and a totally great experience.

Next, I visited a couple of Temples. The Mu Ryang Sa Temple was one and it was a very beautiful and quiet temple. A lot of the locals and tourist come here to meditate. The scenery was gorgeous and I also took some time to meditate.


was another one, OMG guys, this temple is such a beauty. So beautiful that I can categorically say its one of the most beautiful places I have visited on earth. The BYODO-IN is not as quiet as the Mu Ryang Sa though but I absolutely loved everything about it. We were allowed to take people inside unlike the Mu Ryang Sa were pictures were prohibited.

For my next adventure, I decided to go to a waterfall. It is also another first for me. I know there’s a popular waterfall in the western part of Nigeria but I never got a chance to visit. I hiked two waterfalls on the same day and this I would title the hike of a thousand miles. We had to hike several miles to get to each waterfall and also the waterfalls were in different parts of the city. So I went to the Manoa water first, wasn’t allowed to swim in the water but it was a nice view and the hike wasn’t bad.

For the other waterfall trail called the ruin, it was pretty hectic. One thing I’m thankful for was the fact that I came back to the hotel to change before heading to the ruin trail. It was messy and worrisome but was worth it at the end. I took off my clothes and jumped in the pool to have a cold nice swim. I also moved closer to the waterfall leaned on the rock and the water was falling directly on my head. It was beautiful. I loved every bit of it.

A lot happened in Hawaii, I visited many more beautiful places. With that said, I wouldn’t want to keep this Article super long I will post the rest of my trip chronicles in another post which should be up pretty soon.
Thanks for Stopping by, check out my Instagram highlights for some videos and live reaction from my trip.