How To Study For Nursing School Exams

Nursing school is a challenging experience for even the most well-equipped student. The workload is heavy, and there are often times when you don’t feel like studying at all. Though studying for nursing exams can be difficult, it can be done, as long as you put in the hardwork and dedication. 

How best can you study for nursing school exams? Read on for 7 realistic tips to help you study better for your exams. 

1. Set up your study space 

It’s important to have a study area that is comfortable and conducive for concentration. Make sure it’s quiet, has enough room for your study essentials and saves you from distractions.

If your living situation doesn’t allow you to have a separate study space, try making one in your room, but make sure it’s serving its purpose.

2. Prioritize quality study time 

The most important part of studying is simply taking the time to do it! Nursing school takes quite a bit of studying outside of the classroom, so scheduling your study time and prioritizing it on a daily basis is crucial.

3. Use study guides and other resources available

Many nursing programs provide students with study guides, practice questions, lecture slides or handouts that would be required for their coursework. These are all great resources for studying for your exams!

4. Practice questions & write out your answers 

Writing out answers to practice questions can help you understand the questions better, remember it longer and organize your thoughts more efficiently. 

P.S: Writing out your answers in full sentences on a paper or word processor will help commit the information to memory better than typing on a keyboard. Try it out!

5. Don’t try to memorize everything

Review lecture slides, study textbooks and other materials but don’t try to memorize them. Understand what is important and what is not and focus on what will be tested in your exam.

Study in context of whole program— you may want to go over previous courses to understand better and see how they all fit together.

6. Have a study partner

Studying with a partner is a great way to learn. Have a study partner and ask each other questions about topics you are having trouble remembering. Or even try teaching another student, it will help you identify areas you need to study more.

7. Set a goal and work towards it 

What are your goals for the exams? Write them down with specific steps on how they will be accomplished, in order to keep track of what has been done and what needs to be done.


You’ll have to work hard and put in a lot of time studying to pass these exams. You being accepted to Nursing School means you have the potential to do well on these tests. So don’t get discouraged, keep up with your studying and take care of yourself. You got this! 

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